Developing for the

WebAssembly target

GitHub Powered, WebAssembly Ready, C++ dependencies & upgrade manager

Damien Buhl (alias daminetreg) at

WebAssembly Primer


  • Binary instruction format
  • Stack based "vm"
  • Enables C++ web browser & server apps

w3c open standard

available everywhere in v1.0

Portable Binary instructions

  • Small files
  • Fast decoding
  • Reduced memory usage
  • The synthesis & evolution of asm.js & PNaCl

WASM Module

  • PE or Elf for the Web.

WASM Module structure

WASM Module structure

int main() {
  return 43;

WASM Module structure

~158 bytes

00 61 73 6d 01 00 00 00  01 08 02 60 00 00 60 00  |.asm.......`..`.|
01 7f 03 03 02 00 01 04  05 01 70 01 01 01 05 03  |..........p.....|
01 00 02 06 15 03 7f 01  41 80 88 04 0b 7f 00 41  |........A......A|
80 88 04 0b 7f 00 41 80  08 0b 07 2d 04 05 5f 6d  |......A....-.._m|
61 69 6e 00 01 06 6d 65  6d 6f 72 79 02 00 0b 5f  |ain...memory..._|
5f 68 65 61 70 5f 62 61  73 65 03 01 0a 5f 5f 64  |_heap_base...__d|
61 74 61 5f 65 6e 64 03  02 0a 09 02 02 00 0b 04  |ata_end.........|
00 41 2b 0b 00 28 04 6e  61 6d 65 01 1a 02 00 11  |.A+..(.name.....|
5f 5f 77 61 73 6d 5f 63  61 6c 6c 5f 63 74 6f 72  |__wasm_call_ctor|
73 01 04 6d 61 69 6e 02  05 02 00 00 01 00        |s..main.......  |

WASM Module structure


  (type (;2;) (func (result i32)))

  (import "env" "getTotalMemory" (func (;1;) (type 2)))

  (func (;21;) (type 2) (result i32)
    i32.const 43

  (export "_main" (func 21))
  (data (i32.const 1024) "\05\c0\de\00\be\e0 ... ")


Portable yet Native

WASM Runtime

WASM Runtime

  • Native speed, no emulation
  • C++ Heap is allocated in a contiguous memory segment
  • No Garbage Collection: Memory management as usual

WASM Runtime: No Garbage Collection

WASM Runtime: WASM 2.0 ?

WASM Runtime

CppCon 2014: Chad Austin "Embind and Emscripten: Blending C++11, JavaScript, and the Web Browser"

WASM Runtime: Multithreading

  • pthreads has been implemented and works
  • but is based on SharedArrayBuffer...

Web Development

The Javascript rise

  • Javascript is a dynamically typed language
  • C++ is a statically typed language
  • Two irreconcilable worlds ?

Javascript & C++

  • They share one key philosophy...
  • Openness, Flexibility & Extensibility

Neither Bjarne Stroustrup nor Brendan Eich wanted their language to be limited to what they could imagine.

Object.prototype ===
template <class T>


Key selling point: Javascript that scales.

Types enable JavaScript developers to use [...] practices like static checking and code refactoring [...].

Wait Types ? Static Checking ?

  • Isn't C++ all about this ?
  • Could we use it to make Web Apps that scales ?

Can we make some room for C++ ?

Can we make some room for C++ ?

<script type="text/c++">  #include <belle/vue/dom.hxx>
  #include <belle/vue/fx.hxx>

  int main() {

    using namespace belle::vue;

    auto banner_ts = get_element_by_id("banner_ts");
    auto banner_cpp = get_element_by_id("banner_cpp");
    fx::fade_out(banner_ts, [=]() mutable {

      banner_ts.setAttribute("style", "display:none;");
      banner_cpp.setAttribute("style", "display:visible;");



    return 0;

Make some room for C++

WebServices with WebAssembly

Getting some REST

  • CRUD operations on URI addressed entities

REST in Javascript

app.get('/user/:id', function(req, res) {
  res.send('user ' +;

Does anybody care about the :id type ?

Whatever is valid : /user/43 or /user/banana

REST in C++

app.GET("/user"s, [](bete::session&& session, size_t id) { 
  session.response.write("user "s + id);


id will always be a number.

REST argument parser in C++

namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace ct = boost::callable_traits;
using namespace boost::mp11;

template<class F>
void GET(const std::string& route, F&& functor) {
  mp_remove<ct::args_t<F>, session&&> args_parsed;

  auto fail = false;
  auto raw = splitted_args.begin();

  tuple_for_each(args_parsed, [&](auto& result) {
    if (fail) return;

    fail = !qi::parse(raw->begin(), raw->end(), qi::auto_, result);


  if (!fail) {
    std::apply(functor, std::tuple_cat(std::make_tuple(session {}), args_parsed));

Let's see the following in action

app.GET("/add", [&](bete::session&& session, 
    std::string name, size_t min, size_t max, size_t avg) { 

  datamodel->benchmarks->push_back({name, min, max, avg});

  session.response.write("Added : "s + name 
      + "with min="s + std::to_string(min) 
      + ", max="s + std::to_string(max) 
      + ", avg="s + std::to_string(avg) + "."



GET /add/added_via_REST_service/1/2/4

But adding to what ?

  • To an Observable datatype
  • Simulating a bit of Aspect Oriented Programming in C++


template<class T>
struct observable {
  struct proxy {

    // ...

    T * proxied; 
    ~proxy () {
      for (auto& obs : observers_) { 


  proxy operator -> () {
     return proxy (observers_, std::addressof(proxied));

  T* operator -> () const {
     return &proxied;

  // ...

Let's define an observable datamodel

struct benchmark {
  std::string name{};
  size_t min{};
  size_t max{};
  size_t avg{};

struct datamodel_t {
  std::vector<benchmark> benchmarks;

BELLE_VUE_OBSERVABLE(benchmark, name, min, max, avg);
BELLE_VUE_OBSERVABLE(datamodel_t, benchmarks);

To record WebAssembly function calls benchmarks.

Performance Measurement

Performance : calling the browser

  void test_cpp() {
    auto element = belle::vue::get_element_by_id("insert_here");
    std::string text = fmt::format("Computing the WebAssembly answer {:d}", (43 * i));


  function test_js() {
    var element = document.getElementById("insert_here");

    var string_answer = "Computing the Javascript answer " + (43 * i);
    element.innerHTML = string_answer; 

Let's Measure

Performance gains by the WebAssembly & C++ nature

  • 8-bit bytes.
  • Addressable at a byte memory granularity.
  • Little-endian byte ordering.
  • IEEE 754-2008 32-bit and 64-bit floating point.

Faster load time

Achieved by abusing std::is_trivially_copyable

Abusing std::is_trivially_copyable

template<class Stream, class T>
inline void write(Stream& stream, const T& value) {
  using decayed_T = typename std::decay_t<T>;

  if constexpr (is_fusion_sequence_v<decayed_T>) {
    for_each_member(value, [&stream](const auto& member_value){
      write(stream, member_value); 

  } else if constexpr (is_container_v<decayed_T>) {
    wasmabi::write(stream, value.size());
    std::for_each(value.begin(), value.end(), [&stream](auto& v) {
      wasmabi::write(stream, v); 
  } else if constexpr(std::is_trivially_copyable_v<decayed_T>) {
    std::array<char, sizeof(decayed_T)> buf{'\0',};

    const char* addressof_value = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(std::addressof(value));
    std::copy(addressof_value, addressof_value + sizeof(value),;
    stream.write(, buf.size());

  } else {
    static_assert(std::is_same<T, non_implemented_tag>::value, "Unsupported type.");

Combining the best of two worlds

Getting as flexible as Javascript

  • std::vector<std::variant< ... >> : most of the time the best solution
  • But with template variables we can go further!

Static but flexible

struct heterogeneous_container

  template<class T>
  void push_back(const T& _t) {

  template<class T>
  static std::unordered_map<const heterogeneous_container*, std::vector<T>> items;

struct user_defined { /* ... */ };

void main() {
  heterogeneous_container c;

An efficient mechanism to map to Javascript dynamicity

Why is a C++ dev here ?

  • Empowering C++ codebases with Vue.js
  • Striving to make the virtual DOM even faster

Vue.js 3.0


Introducing support for authoring components as native C++ classes

Updating the DOM

  • Concurrently from Javascript & C++
  • Tracking changes to {{ some_variable }} in both worlds

Join us to improve the Web

Available Open Source & Commercial now for Windows, macOS, Linux & WebAssembly!