A simple, yet modern, http client library, all dependencies included !
API: asynchronously intuitive
#include <iostream>
#include <xxhr/xxhr.hpp>
void introductory() {
on_response = [](
auto reply) { std::cout << reply.text; }
GETting Started
"nxxm/xxhr" : { "@" : "v1.0.1" }
- WebAssembly
- macOS
- Linux
- Windows
http[s] queries made async & easy for C++ developer.
The API is exclusively async
- to target all modern platforms and runtimes ( e.g. Mobile OS, Web Browser, Windows 10... ).
- to build responsive UIs.
Pure & modern, this header-only C++ library is available for WebAssembly and on all C++ compatible platforms.
Key Principles
- Just headers files.
- Dependencies shipped:
nxxm .
- Async API.
- Extremely cross-platform : Native or WebAssembly.
- Performant, easy to setup & learn !